Souvignier Gris Wine Grape

Souvignier Gris is a cross between the grapes Cabernet Sauvignon and Bronner and has good resistance to disease. The variety was created in 1983, and like Bronner, its parent variety, Souvignier gris was developed at the viticultural research institute of Freiburg, Germany. Its breeding code is FR 392-83.

Its grapes are mid-sized to large, in large, loose clusters. It belongs to the PIWI-grape, and as such it is very resistant to real and false mildew. The thick skin of the grapes protects it from Botrytis as well, which may otherwise be a problem in rainy conditions. The grape is red in its colour but it is considered a green grape and produces white wine. The aroma is neutrally fruity with hints of apple and the taste is reminiscent of Pinot Blanc, with fresh acidity and fruity character. Some say its taste reminds of Ruländer.